Training to manage medical emergencies is critical for any responsible SCUBA diver and invaluable for just about everyone else! Non-professional responders are called upon to perform CPR more than a third of the time during cardiac arrest and thousands of lives have been saved by trained "lay responders". Are you ready to act?

Blue Bottom Diving is proud to offer the Emergency First Response® course in Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) as well as Care for Children. The Emergency First Response® program is an easy, flexible program focused on the fundamentals of emergency responder care.
The Emergency First Response® courses -- or React Right as we usually call it -- are part of the fastest growing international CPR, AED and first aid training programs. All Blue Bottom Diving instructors are trained and certified to offer React Right programs.
As divers, the React Right program is important. It trains us to respond to emergency situations we might encounter on dive boats, along the shore, at a dive center, or while traveling to remote destinations throughout the world. Plus, the React Right program perfectly complements the Rescue Diver course offered by Blue Bottom Diving fulfills the prerequisite requirement for PADI's Rescue Diver certification.
Our React Right courses are taught and are offered in the evenings at Blue Bottom Diving Center training facility. But our program can be brought to you or your workplace. We can teach the class to school, to divers on dive trips, to families or sports teams. The React Right program is flexible, affordable, accessible and fun. And it's designed for everyone!
Emergency First Response Primary Care & Secondary Course: $85 / Scheduled Monthly and Available on Request
Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) teaches participants how to respond to life-threatening emergencies. The course focuses on primary care through a combination of knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice to make sure participants have the confidence in their ability to provide care when emergency situations arise.
Primary Care (CPR) skills taught in this course:
- Scene Safety Assessment
- Universal Precautions
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Conscious and Unconscious Obstructed Airway Management
- Serious Bleeding Management
- Shock Management
- Spinal Injury Management
- Auto Emergency Oxygen Use Orientation.
Emergency First Response Secondary Care (first aid) covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening. Participants focus on secondary assessment and first aid through knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice.
The React Right Certification -- like most CPR/First Aid training certifications -- requires renewal every 2 years. The React Right Refresher Course allows emergency providers the opportunity to practice their skills and learn about new developments since their first class. The Refresher course is convenient and flexible and will keep you in tune with the field of emergency preparedness.